OctoberPosie.jpg OctoberPosie_CU.jpg

October Posy

GloriousPosie.jpg GloriousPosie_cu.jpg

Glorious Posy

Poppy (Cyanotype) Poppy_30x30_closeup.jpg

Poppy (Cyanotype)

Tulip (Cyanotype) Tulip_30x30_cu.jpg

Tulip (Cyanotype)

Peacock Feather peacock_feather_cu_LR.jpg

Peacock Feather

Posy in a Vase (Cyanotype) PosyinaVase_30x30_cu.jpg

Posy in a Vase (Cyanotype)

Posy in a Vase (Pink & Orange, Cyanotype) PosyinaVase(Pink&Orange)_50x40_cu.jpg

Posy in a Vase (Pink & Orange, Cyanotype)

January Fern II (Cyanotype) JanuaryFern_II_50x40_CU1.jpg

January Fern II (Cyanotype)

SOLD - January Fern I (Cyanotype) JanuaryFern_I_50x40_CU3.jpg

SOLD - January Fern I (Cyanotype)

LOVE Print IMG_2093.jpg

LOVE Print

Blue Vase Print BlueVase_main.jpg

Blue Vase Print

Neon Splash NeonSplash_50x70_CU2.jpg

Neon Splash

SOLD OUT! ARTIST PROOF - Blisters Print - 16th Century IMG_3414.JPG
click for availability

SOLD OUT! ARTIST PROOF - Blisters Print - 16th Century

Poppies and Lily - limited stock PoppiesandLilly.jpg

Poppies and Lily - limited stock

Neon Vase - limited stock Neon_main.jpg

Neon Vase - limited stock

Tropical Orchids Tropical_Orchid_framed.jpg

Tropical Orchids

Red 16th Century RED_17thcentury_LR.jpg

Red 16th Century

LineUp1_SQframe.jpg LineUp_I.jpg

Line Up Part I

Line Up Part II LineUp_II.jpg

Line Up Part II

Dutch Vase Main_brightened.jpg

Dutch Vase

March Vase Main_brightened.jpg

March Vase

Autumn Vase closeup.jpg

Autumn Vase

Yellow Splash Print YellowSplash_main_SQ.jpg

Yellow Splash Print

Pink Splash Print PinkSplash_main_SQ.jpg

Pink Splash Print

Red and Orange Splash Print RedandOrangeSplash_main_SQ.jpg

Red and Orange Splash Print

Palm and Poppies (Yellow) Palm_with_poppies_yellow_closeup.jpg

Palm and Poppies (Yellow)

Palm and Poppies (Plum) Palm_with_poppies_plum_main.jpg

Palm and Poppies (Plum)

Palm and Poppies (Pink) Palm_with_poppies_pink_main.jpg

Palm and Poppies (Pink)
